3.díl - Konfigurace - Things, Items

Prvky items v chytrém domě -  OpenHAB


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2. díl - OpenHAB na Raspberry Pi



V minulém návodu jsme nainstalovali OpenHAB 3 a přidali pár užitečných rozšíření pro základní funkcionalitu. V tomto návodu začneme s konfigurací domu. Základní model naleznete pod Settings-> Model. Pomocí Add location vytvořte strukturu vašeho bydlení. Např. přízemí, první patro, zahrada. A do jednotlivých lokací přidejte pokoje. Podlaží i pokoje jsou typy Group viz příklad:

PiHome - Vytvoření modelu domu


Do jednotlivých pokojů jsme ještě vytvořili tři nabídky: General, Sensors a Heating. Jejich Name jsou vždy tvaru GBxxx, GSxxx a GHxxx, kde xxx je označení příslušného pokoje v domě viz. Pi-Home - Modelový dům. Do nich pak vkládame světla, zásuvky, senzory, rolety, PIR a vše další. Jednotlivé prvky se jmenují Items. Ty je ale snadné vytvářet hromadně. Ukážeme si to o krok dál.


MQTT a propojení s "Items" (světla, zásuvky, žaluzie, senzory atd.)

Musíme se rozhodnout jak to udělat s MQTT. Abychom mohli nastavit reakci na MQTT zprávy musíme prvek Items provázat s nějakým Thing typu MQTT Binding. V tomto případě pro komunikaci s Arduinem použijeme typ Generic MQTT Thing. Jednodužší než vytvářet spousty Thing pro každé světlo je vytvořit jeden Thing pro dejme tomu všechny světla a pak pod touto Thing vytvořit tolik Channels kolik máme světel. V Channels nastavíme na jaký tvar MQTT zprávy (topic) bude daný Channel reagovat.  Prvky nebo-li Items pak z Channels lze vytvořit hromadně. Už jste se v tom ztratili? :D Nebojte, až si to naklikáte bude vám to jasnější. Pojďme na to!   

Přejděte do záložky Settings->Thing a přidejte novou položku pomocí modré ikony + vpravo dole. Vyplňte například Thing pro světla dle obrázku níže:

OpenHAB MQTT Things

Rozklikněte si nově přidaný Lights Thing a uprostřed přepněte na panel Channels. Zvolte Add new Channel. Vyberte On/Off Switcha nastavte dole na jaký typ zprávy (topic) bude Channel reagovat.

OpenHAB MQTT Channel

OpenHAB Channel


Další Channels můžete vytvořit buď dalším klikáním (voprus), nebo rychleji textově, a to tak, že zkopírujete a upravíte nový Channel v záložce Codekterou najdete úplně vpravo. Všimněte si kódování světel jako Lxxx, kde L=Light a xxx je označení místnosti v domě viz. Pi-Home - Modelový dům

OpenHAB Bulk Import

Náš Code pro Thing světel vypadá tedy nějak takto:

UID: mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing
label: Lights Thing
thingTypeUID: mqtt:topic
configuration: {}
bridgeUID: mqtt:broker:pihome
  - id: L011
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Outside South
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L011_off
      on: L011_on
  - id: L012
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Outside East
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L012_off
      on: L012_on
  - id: L013
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Outside North
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L013_off
      on: L013_on
  - id: L014
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Outside West
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L014_off
      on: L014_on
  - id: L021
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Garage
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L021_off
      on: L021_on
  - id: L022
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Garage Desk
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L022_off
      on: L022_on
  - id: L031
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Pool
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L031_off
      on: L031_on
  - id: L041
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Gate
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L041_off
      on: L041_on
  - id: L042
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Garden
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L042_off
      on: L042_on
  - id: L043
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Christmas
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L043_off
      on: L043_on
  - id: L111
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Vestibule
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L111_off
      on: L111_on
  - id: L112
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Stairs GF
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L112_off
      on: L112_on
  - id: L121
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Toilet
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L121_off
      on: L121_on
  - id: L122
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Toilet Mirror
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L122_off
      on: L122_on
  - id: L131
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Office
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L131_off
      on: L131_on
  - id: L141
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Technical
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L141_off
      on: L141_on
  - id: L151
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Livin Room Center
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L151_off
      on: L151_on
  - id: L152
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Living Room TV
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L152_off
      on: L152_on
  - id: L153
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Living Room Bookcase
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L153_off
      on: L153_on
  - id: L154
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Dining Room
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L154_off
      on: L154_on
  - id: L155
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Kitchen
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L155_off
      on: L155_on
  - id: L156
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Kitchen Desk
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L156_off
      on: L156_on
  - id: L161
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Pantry
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L161_off
      on: L161_on
  - id: L201
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Hall
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L201_off
      on: L201_on
  - id: L211
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Bathroom Mirror
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L211_off
      on: L211_on
  - id: L212
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Bathroom
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L212_off
      on: L212_on
  - id: L221
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Guest room
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L221_off
      on: L221_on
  - id: L231
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Bedroom
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L231_off
      on: L231_on
  - id: L241
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Light Kids room
    description: null
      commandTopic: pihome/lights
      stateTopic: pihome/lights
      off: L241_off
      on: L241_on


Přidejte všechna světla a jejich specifické MQTT. Nakonec zvolte Add Equipment to Model,dole zvolte Expert mode. Uvidíte textový výstup pro vytvoření prvků Items. Tento importní text jde ještě ale malinko poupravit, aby jste už rovnou řekli jaké ikony chcete u těchto prvků mít, v jakých skupinách budou atp. Pro náš modelový dům by nakonec vypadal hromadný import prvků Items nějak takto:


Switch L111 "Light Vestibule"            <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB111) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L111" }
Switch L112 "Light Stairs GF"            <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB111) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L112" }
Switch L121 "Light Toilet"               <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB121) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L121" }
Switch L122 "Light Toilet Mirror"        <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB121) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L122" }
Switch L131 "Light Office"               <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB131) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L131" }
Switch L141 "Light Technical"            <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB141) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L141" }
Switch L151 "Light Livin Room Center"    <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB151) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L151" }
Switch L152 "Light Living Room TV"       <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB151) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L152" }
Switch L153 "Light Living Room Bookcase" <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB151) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L153" }
Switch L154 "Light Dining Room"          <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB151) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L154" }
Switch L155 "Light Kitchen"              <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB152) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L155" }
Switch L156 "Light Kitchen Desk"         <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB152) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L156" }
Switch L161 "Light Pantry"               <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB161) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L161" }
Switch L201 "Light Hall"                 <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB201) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L201" }
Switch L211 "Light Bathroom Mirror"      <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB211) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L211" }
Switch L212 "Light Bathroom"             <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB211) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L212" }
Switch L221 "Light Guest room"           <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB221) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L221" }
Switch L231 "Light Bedroom"              <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB231) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L231" }
Switch L241 "Light Kids room"            <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB241) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L241" }
Switch L011 "Light Outside South"        <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB101) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L011" }
Switch L012 "Light Outside East"         <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB101) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L012" }
Switch L013 "Light Outside North"        <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB101) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L013" }
Switch L014 "Light Outside West"         <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB101) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L014" }
Switch L021 "Light Garage"               <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB101) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L021" }
Switch L022 "Light Garage Desk"          <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB101) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L022" }
Switch L031 "Light Pool"                 <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB101) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L031" }
Switch L041 "Light Gate"                 <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB101) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L041" }
Switch L042 "Light Garden"               <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB101) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L042" }
Switch L043 "Light Christmas"            <lightbulb>  (LightsThing,Lights,GB101) ["Switch","Light"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:lightsthing:L043" }

Takto můžete najednou vytvořit i 50 světel a ušetřit si klikání s následným přiřazováním ikon atp. Upravený kód vložte a potvrďte tlačítkem Add vpravo nahoře. Vytvoří se vám odpovídající počet světel v Items. Navíc, už budou každé v příslušném pokoji, takže je nemusíte klikat ručně.

OpenHAB Created Items

Úplně stejným způsobem přidejte Thing pro zásuvky, žaluzie, senzory, tlačítka atd. Pozor u žaluzii bude ještě volba "STOP". U tlačítek budeme reagovat jenom na stlačení. Přidejte jednotlivé Channelsa vytvořte z nich pak hromadně Items.V našem modelovém domě jsme takto předvytvořili více než 150 prvků.


Níže naleznete hromadné importy, které jsme použily. Vždy vytvořte prvně Thing a příslušné Channels. Pak teprv generujte Items.



Switch S011 "Socket Gate"           <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB101) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S011" }
Switch S012 "Socket Garage"         <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB101) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S012" }
Switch S013 "Socket Water Tank"     <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB101) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S013" }
Switch S014 "Socket Outside Socket" <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB101) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S014" }
Switch S015 "Socket GreenHouse"     <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB101) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S015" }
Switch S016 "Socket Reserve"        <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB101) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S016" }
Switch S111 "Socket Vestibule"      <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB111) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S111" }
Switch S121 "Socket Toilet"         <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB121) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S121" }
Switch S131 "Socket Office"         <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB131) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S131" }
Switch S141 "Socket HeatPump"       <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB141) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S141" }
Switch S142 "Socket Technical"      <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB141) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S142" }
Switch S151 "Socket Living room"    <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB151) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S151" }
Switch S152 "Socket Dining room"    <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB151) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S152" }
Switch S153 "Socket Oven"           <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB152) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S153" }
Switch S154 "Socket Dishwasher"     <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB152) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S154" }
Switch S155 "Socket Kitchen Desk"   <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB152) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S155" }
Switch S161 "Socket Pantry"         <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB161) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S161" }
Switch S201 "Socket Hall"           <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB201) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S201" }
Switch S211 "Socket Bathroom"       <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB211) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S211" }
Switch S221 "Socket Guest room"     <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB221) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S221" }
Switch S231 "Socket Bedroom"        <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB231) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S231" }
Switch S241 "Socket Kids Room"      <poweroutlet>  (SocketsThing,sockets,GB241) ["Switch","Oil"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:socketsthing:S241" }


Switch H111 "Heating Vestibule"   <radiator> (HeatingsThing,heatings,GH111) ["Control","Power"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:heatingsthing:H111" }
Switch H121 "Heating Toilet"      <radiator> (HeatingsThing,heatings,GH121) ["Control","Power"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:heatingsthing:H121" }
Switch H131 "Heating Office"      <radiator> (HeatingsThing,heatings,GH131) ["Control","Power"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:heatingsthing:H131" }
Switch H151 "Heating Living room" <radiator> (HeatingsThing,heatings,GH151) ["Control","Power"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:heatingsthing:H151" }
Switch H152 "Heating Dining room" <radiator> (HeatingsThing,heatings,GH152) ["Control","Power"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:heatingsthing:H152" }
Switch H201 "Heating Hall"        <radiator> (HeatingsThing,heatings,GH201) ["Control","Power"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:heatingsthing:H201" }
Switch H211 "Heating Bathroom"    <radiator> (HeatingsThing,heatings,GH211) ["Control","Power"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:heatingsthing:H211" }
Switch H221 "Heating Guest room"  <radiator> (HeatingsThing,heatings,GH221) ["Control","Power"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:heatingsthing:H221" }
Switch H231 "Heating Bedroom"     <radiator> (HeatingsThing,heatings,GH231) ["Control","Power"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:heatingsthing:H231" }
Switch H241 "Heating Kids room"   <radiator> (HeatingsThing,heatings,GH241) ["Control","Power"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:heatingsthing:H241" }

//Hromadně vytvoříme i termostaty a režimy topení nezávislé už na MQTT, tedy Channel pro ně nejsou potřeba
Number H111SET "Thermostat Vestibule"   <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH111) ["Point","ColorTemperature"]  
Number H121SET "Thermostat Toilet"      <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH121) ["Point","ColorTemperature"]  
Number H131SET "Thermostat Office"      <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH131) ["Point","ColorTemperature"]  
Number H151SET "Thermostat Living room" <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH151) ["Point","ColorTemperature"]  
Number H152SET "Thermostat Dining room" <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH152) ["Point","ColorTemperature"]  
Number H201SET "Thermostat Hall"        <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH201) ["Point","ColorTemperature"]  
Number H211SET "Thermostat Bathroom"    <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH211) ["Point","ColorTemperature"]  
Number H221SET "Thermostat Guest room"  <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH221) ["Point","ColorTemperature"]  
Number H231SET "Thermostat Bedroom"     <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH231) ["Point","ColorTemperature"]  
Number H241SET "Thermostat Kids room"   <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH241) ["Point","ColorTemperature"]  

Number H111MODE "Mode Vestibule"   <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH111) ["Point","Current"]  
Number H121MODE "Mode Toilet"      <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH121) ["Point","Current"]  
Number H131MODE "Mode Office"      <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH131) ["Point","Current"]  
Number H151MODE "Mode Living room" <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH151) ["Point","Current"]  
Number H152MODE "Mode Dining room" <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH152) ["Point","Current"]  
Number H201MODE "Mode Hall"        <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH201) ["Point","Current"]  
Number H211MODE "Mode Bathroom"    <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH211) ["Point","Current"]  
Number H221MODE "Mode Guest room"  <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH221) ["Point","Current"]  
Number H231MODE "Mode Bedroom"     <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH231) ["Point","Current"]  
Number H241MODE "Mode Kids room"   <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH241) ["Point","Current"]


Switch B111 "Button Vestibule 1"      <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B111",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B112 "Button Vestibule 2"      <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B112",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B121 "Button Toilet 1"         <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B121",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B122 "Button Toilet 2"         <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B122",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B131 "Button Office 1"         <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B131",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B132 "Button Office 2"         <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B132",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B133 "Button Office 3"         <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B133",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B134 "Button Office 4"         <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B134",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B141 "Button Technical room 1" <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B141",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B142 "Button Technical room 1" <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B142",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B151 "Button Living room 1"    <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B151",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B152 "Button Living room 2"    <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B152",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B153 "Button Living room 3"    <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B153",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B154 "Button Living room 4"    <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B154",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B155 "Button Living room 5"    <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B155",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B156 "Button Living room 6"    <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B156",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B157 "Button Living room 7"    <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B157",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B158 "Button Living room 8"    <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B158",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B159 "Button Kitchen 1"        <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B159",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B160 "Button Kitchen 2"        <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B160",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B161 "Button Pantry 1"         <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B161",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B162 "Button Pantry 2"         <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B162",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B201 "Button Hall 1"           <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B201",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B202 "Button Hall 2"           <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B202",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B211 "Button Bathroom 1"       <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B211",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B212 "Button Bathroom 2"       <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B212",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B213 "Button Bathroom 3"       <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B213",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B214 "Button Bathroom 4"       <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B214",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B221 "Button Guest room 1"     <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B221",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B222 "Button Guest room 2"     <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B222",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B223 "Button Guest room 3"     <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B223",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B224 "Button Guest room 4"     <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B224",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B231 "Button Bedroom 1"        <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B231",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B232 "Button Bedroom 2"        <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B232",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B233 "Button Bedroom 3"        <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B233",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B234 "Button Bedroom 4"        <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B234",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B241 "Button Kids room 1"      <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B241",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B242 "Button Kids room 2"      <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B242",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B243 "Button Kids room 3"      <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B243",expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch B244 "Button Kids room 4"      <wallswitch> (ButtonsThing) ["Tampered","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:buttonsthing:B244",expire="1s,command=OFF" }



Rollershutter R111 "Shutter Vestibule"      <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB111) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R111", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R131 "Shutter Office East"    <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB131) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R131", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R132 "Shutter Office South"   <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB131) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R132", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R141 "Shutter Technical room" <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB141) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R141", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R151 "Shutter Living North1"  <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB151) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R151", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R152 "Shutter Living North2"  <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB151) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R152", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R153 "Shutter Living East"    <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB151) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R153", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R154 "Shutter Kitchen 1"      <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB152) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R154", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R155 "Shutter Kitchen 2"      <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB152) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R155", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R211 "Shutter Bathroom"       <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB211) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R211", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R221 "Shutter Guest room"     <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB221) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R221", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R231 "Shutter Bedroom"        <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB231) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R231", expire="60s,command=STOP" }
Rollershutter R241 "Shutter Kids room"      <rollershutter>  (RollerShuttersThing,shutters,GB241) ["OpenState","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:rollersthing:R241", expire="60s,command=STOP" }


Senzory teploty mísností, podlahy a vlhkosti

Number ST111  "Temp Vestibule"   <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS111) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST111" }
Number ST121  "Temp Toilet"      <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS121) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST121" }
Number ST131  "Temp Office"      <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS131) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST131" }
Number ST141  "Temp Technical"   <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS141) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST141" }
Number ST151  "Temp Living room" <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS151) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST151" }
Number ST152  "Temp Kitchen"     <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS152) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST152" }
Number ST161  "Temp Pantry"      <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS161) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST161" }
Number ST201  "Temp Hall"        <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS201) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST201" }
Number ST211  "Temp Bathroom"    <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS211) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST211" }
Number ST221  "Temp Guest room"  <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS221) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST221" }
Number ST231  "Temp Bedroom"     <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS231) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST231" }
Number ST241  "Temp Kids room"   <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS241) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST241" }

Number SH111 "Humidity Vestibule"   <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS111) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH111" }
Number SH121 "Humidity Toilet"      <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS121) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH121" }
Number SH131 "Humidity Office"      <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS131) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH131" }
Number SH141 "Humidity Technical"   <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS141) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH141" }
Number SH151 "Humidity Living room" <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS151) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH151" }
Number SH152 "Humidity Dining room" <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS152) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH152" }
Number SH161 "Humidity Pantry"      <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS161) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH161" }
Number SH201 "Humidity Hall"        <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS201) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH201" }
Number SH211 "Humidity Bathroom"    <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS211) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH211" }
Number SH221 "Humidity Guest room"  <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS221) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH221" }
Number SH231 "Humidity Bedroom"     <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS231) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH231" }
Number SH241 "Humidity Kids room"   <humidity> (SensorsHumidityThing,temp_humidity,GS241) ["Measurement","Humidity"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:humiditything:SH241" }

//Floor temp
Number SF111 "Floor temperature Vestibule"   <temperature> (SensorfloortempThing,temp_humidity,GS111) ["Measurement","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:floortempthing:SF111" }
Number SF121 "Floor temperature Toilet"      <temperature> (SensorfloortempThing,temp_humidity,GS121) ["Measurement","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:floortempthing:SF121" }
Number SF131 "Floor temperature Office"      <temperature> (SensorfloortempThing,temp_humidity,GS131) ["Measurement","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:floortempthing:SF131" }
Number SF151 "Floor temperature Living room" <temperature> (SensorfloortempThing,temp_humidity,GS151) ["Measurement","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:floortempthing:SF151" }
Number SF152 "Floor temperature Dining room" <temperature> (SensorfloortempThing,temp_humidity,GS152) ["Measurement","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:floortempthing:SF152" }
Number SF201 "Floor temperature Hall"        <temperature> (SensorfloortempThing,temp_humidity,GS201) ["Measurement","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:floortempthing:SF201" }
Number SF211 "Floor temperature Bathroom"    <temperature> (SensorfloortempThing,temp_humidity,GS211) ["Measurement","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:floortempthing:SF211" }
Number SF221 "Floor temperature Guest room"  <temperature> (SensorfloortempThing,temp_humidity,GS221) ["Measurement","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:floortempthing:SF221" }
Number SF231 "Floor temperature Bedroom"     <temperature> (SensorfloortempThing,temp_humidity,GS231) ["Measurement","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:floortempthing:SF231" }
Number SF241 "Floor temperature Kids room"   <temperature> (SensorfloortempThing,temp_humidity,GS241) ["Measurement","Level"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:floortempthing:SF241" }


PIR senzory

Switch SP111 "PIR Vestibule"      <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS111) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP111" }
Switch SP121 "PIR Toilet"         <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS121) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP121" }
Switch SP131 "PIR Office"         <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS131) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP131" }
Switch SP141 "PIR Technical room" <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS141) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP141" }
Switch SP151 "PIR Living room"    <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS151) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP151" }
Switch SP152 "PIR Dining room"    <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS152) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP152" }
Switch SP161 "PIR Pantry"         <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS161) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP161" }
Switch SP201 "PIR Hall"           <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS201) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP201" }
Switch SP211 "PIR Bathroom"       <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS211) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP211" }
Switch SP221 "PIR Guest room"     <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS221) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP221" }
Switch SP231 "PIR Bedroom"        <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS231) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP231" }
Switch SP241 "PIR Kids room"      <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS241) ["Status","Presence"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:pirthing:SP241" }

//Hromadně vytvoříme i režimy PIR nezávislé už na MQTT, tedy Channel pro ně nejsou potřeba
Switch SP111_trigger "PIR Trigger Vestibule"      <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS111)       ["Point","Noise"]  
Switch SP121_trigger "PIR Trigger Toilet"         <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS121)       ["Point","Noise"]  
Switch SP161_trigger "PIR Trigger Pantry"         <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS161)       ["Point","Noise"]  
Switch SP211_trigger "PIR Trigger Bathroom"       <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS211)       ["Point","Noise"]  
Switch SP201_trigger "PIR Trigger Stairs"         <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS201,GS111) ["Point","Noise"]  
Switch SP141_trigger "PIR Trigger Technical"      <motion> (SensorPIRThing,motions,GS141)       ["Point","Noise"] 






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Mohol by som sa opytat ake Channel type ste pouzivali pre Buttons, Sockets, Heating a Senzors?

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Zdravím, všechno kromě senzorů teplot a vlhkosti (type: Number) jsou type: Switch.

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Super, dakujem velmi pekne!

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Ahoj, co dělám špatně?
snažím se přidat DHT22 senzory, ale nenačítá mi to ani teplotu, ani humidity.
MQTT mám nastavený tak, že přes MQTT explorer data přečtu, ale pořád zjevně nechápu, jak to propojit, abych to viděl v OpenHAB.

Zkusím sem postnout to, jak to mám v IDE, OpenHAB a jak to vidím v MQTT exploreru.Uměl bys poradit?

Your profile picture

Zjevně sem nedoputoval ten screen...Udělal jsem si 2 MQTT things - TempThing a HumidityThing.
V arduino jsem upravil cestu pro publish na pihome/TempThing/ST111 (například)Přesně v této struktuře pak vidím v MQTT exploreru teploty i humidity. Aktualizuje se to, vše funguje.
v OpenHABu jsem Broker pojmenoval pihome, MQTT thing TempThing, Channels jsem vytvořil jako ST111, ST121, ... pak jsem přidal equipment a raději ani nic nepojmenovávám, držím se označení ST111 a stejně se nic nepropisuje. Existuje nějaký debug, že bych třeba hodnotu z ST111 viděl už v openHab, přiřadil si ji ke konkrétnímu Channelu a pak to naklonoval podle toho? Zjevně mi někde uniká drobný detail a už jsem na tom spálil tolik večerů, že žádám o radu.. Díkec!!
Number ST111  "ST111   <temperature> (SensortempThing,temp_humidity,GS111) ["Measurement","Temperature"]  { channel="mqtt:topic:pihome:tempthing:ST111" }

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pokud jsou MQTT hodnoty vidět v exploreru tak chyba bude jenom v definic Channel. Koukam ze v clanku je jenom kod pro svetla. Pro senzor teploty vypada Channel - > zalozka Code nejak takto:

hlavicka a pak:

- id: ST111
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:number
    label: Temp Vestibule
    description: ""
      stateTopic: pihome/sensor/temp/st111

Pozor na velke male pismena!Jsme na linuxu. Item vypada v poradku.

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Díky moc, linux sice používám uživatelsky roky, ale na malý velký písmena jsem už zapomněl... :-) Věděl sem, že to bude nějaká blbost.

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Dobrý den, chtěl bych se zeptat, zda ovládáte fyzické termostaty, nebo řídíte teplotu přímo z OpenHAB nějakou podmínkou typu: Nastavená teplota vs Senzor teploty = vypni / zapni topení?Čidlo teploty v pořádku, switch taky, ale nějak se mi nedaří přidat ten ovládácí prvek teploty, kde by byla výchozí hodnota a pomocí +/- bych ji mohl měnit.Když přidám toto:Number H111SET "Thermostat Vestibule"   <temperature_hot> (HeatingsThing,GH111) ["Point","ColorTemperature"] Mám hodnotu NULL a nemohu ji měnit.Stejně tak mi není jasné k čemu je vlastně ten MOD:Number H111MODE "Mode Vestibule"   <heating> (HeatingsThing,GH111) ["Point","Current"] Mohl byste mě prosím nakopnout správným směrem, jak to dát dohromady? :-)Děkuji

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Dobry den,

teplotu ridime primo z OpenHAB. Po pridani Tehrmostatu je jeste potreba pridat v Add metadata "State decsription" -> stepper a tam dat rozmezi teplot. Aby se to spravne zobrazovalo. Take pridat Default List Item widget  a opet stepper aby to platilo i pro UI. Mode ma zase State description na ruzne varianty > topeni dle podlahoveho termostatu, dle termostatu izboveho, vypnuto nebo dovolena. Proste mody.

Mozna nejjednoduzsi je stahnout si demo, dat na SD kartu do RPI a tam si to proklikat je to tam nastavene funkcne:


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Mockrát děkuji za odpověď.

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Tailscale - VPN bez veřejné IP
Tailscale - přístup bez veřejné IP adresyHodnocení: 

Služba Tailscale řeší přístup mezi jednotlivými zařízeními, pokud nemáte možnost veřejné IP adresy. Pro jednoho uživatele je zdarma s podporou max 100 zařízení. Ukážeme si jak Tailscale nainstalovat na Raspberry Pi, které budeme mít někde doma a do klienta (Android, iPhone) ze kterého budeme chtít přistupovat k domácímu Raspberry Pi. Náším příkladem bude vzdálený přístup k OpenHAB běžícím na Raspberry Pi. Nicméně stejné nastavení platí pro spoustu jiných aplikací - domácí NAS, PiHole, Home Assistant, Domoticz, NextCloud a jiné.

Shelly MQTT implementace
Shelly a OpenHABHodnocení: 

Značka Shelly je známa svými produkty komunikujicími hlavně přes WiFi a zahrnujicími ovládané zásuvky, relé pod vypínače, relé pro ovládaní žaluzíí a mnoho dalších produktů. Jedna z výhod pro nasazení je možnost načítat a taky ovládat tyto zařízení pomocí univerzálního protokolu MQTT. Napříč existujícímu addonu pro OpenHAB i Home Assistant si ukážeme jak používat Shelly zařízení bez instalace jakéhokoliv rozšíření.

Victron & OpenHAB
Victron a chytrý důmHodnocení: 

V tomto příspěvku si ukážeme jak načítat informace z fotovoltaické elektrárny od firmy Victron. Propojíme se s jednotkou Cerbo přes MQTT. Na základě těchto hodnot pak můžeme spínat různé spotřebiče (topení, bojler atp.) a předejít plýtvání baterie pro velké spotřebiče v době, kdy nemusí běžet atp.

GoodWe a chytrá domácnost
Smart Home a GoodWeHodnocení: 

V příspěvku ukážeme krok po kroku jak komunikovat chytrou domácnosti přímo se střídačem Goodwe a dostávát aktuální informace (narozdíl od SEMS portálu). Tyto informace jsou nezbytné pokud chceme v chytrém domě nějak reagovat na aktuální parametry např. spínání dodatečného chlazení nebo spínání zásuvky se zátěží.

Ovládání domu hlasem
Hlasové ovládání domu AlexouHodnocení: 

V tomto článku propojíme hlasového asistenta Amazon Echo Dot s open source domácí automatizací. Nepoužíváme OpenHAB Cloud, tz. vše běží lokálně. V tomto případě je nutných pár nastavení navíc, nicméně výsledek stojí za to!

NFC Tag Chytrý dům
NFC tagy v chytrém doměHodnocení: 

NFC (Near Field Communication) tagy jsou malé plastové nebo papírové nálepky, které mohou být použity k automatizaci různých funkcí v domácnosti. V čláku vám ukážeme příklady použití a návod jak zapsat akci na NFC tag pomocí mobilního telefonu.

WireGuard iOS
Nastavení WireGuard připojení v iOSHodnocení: 

V tomto článku najdete podrobný návod, jak se připojit k WireGuard VPN z iOS.

WireGuard z Androidu
Nastavení WireGuard připojení v AndroiduHodnocení: 

V tomto článku najdete podrobný návod, jak se připojit k WireGuard VPN z Androidu.